Saturday 19 January 2013


Cartoon drawing of Ivy 'Doomkitty' Turner cosplaying away as Ms Marvel.

Look her up on FB and elsewhere.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Are the Holidays Already Over..?!?

I can't believe it -- busy with my comics` deadlines and Holidays I forgot to post anything made for the occasion..!
If it's true that late is better than never ... here are the drawings.

The FIRST one is (c)DarkBrain LLC, penciled roughly on an A4 piece of paper, scanned and inked, coloured & lettered digitally. The Kitty [Pissy Pussy] is out of the bag and Santa's caught with his pants down.

The SECOND one is (c)Respective Copyright Holders [Vampirella] and thoroughly 'analogue' [2H pencil on paper then lightboxed clean-up on fresh A4 paper, inked with - an ordinary BIC ballpoint pen - or 'biro' as it's called in Ye Olde Englonde].

As the tresspasers tend to say - 'Wait, I've got an explanation'.
Mine's that, being a Christian Ortodox, our church follows still the old Julian calendar which is late exactly 13 days after the Gregorian, standardly used 'normal' calendar.

That means, Serbian Christmas Eve is TONIGHT on 6th January - and our ever-lovin' New Year is on 13th January..!

So there - I'm not THAT LATE, as it happens.

Peace everyone,